Patented credit payment system
PayMate is a patented credit card payment system developed by JET Charge. It can facilitate credit card payments on any OCPP hardware connected to a PayMate enabled software provider like Chargefox.

How PayMate can help
PayMate helps by providing a convenient and efficient credit card payment system to EV users. This system helps simplify the EV charging experience especially for public charging stations with high usage frequency. A trustworthy user interface design with good usability instills confidence in users, especially when the charging experience doesn’t involve registration or logging in their credit card details for payment.
Payment in action
- JET Charge have installed 46 EV charging stations across the City of Adelaide, 22 fitted with contactless pay thanks to PayMate.
- PayMate allows users to start, finish and pay for their charging sessions seamlessly by credit card.

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