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Preferred Mercedes-Benz Australia customer rate of $858 (including GST) for Single Phase or $1,218 (including GST) for Three Phase installation based on the standard installation guidelines as follows:
- Installation of a Single Phase or a Three Phase charger. (Maximum Demand/Current setting to be determined on site).
- Dedicated circuit approximately 20 Meters of wall ceiling mounted cable. (Inc, PVC surface mount conduit) (No more than 400mm of Flexible PVC Conduit in Visible Locations).
- Isolation switch mounted readily accessible to the Mercedes-Benz Wallbox.
- All associated electrical containment and hardware fixings for the installation.
- Installation of electrical circuit protection in the switchboard.
- Installation of Type A RCD at the origin of the circuit. Type A RCD’s protect against residual DC Current. (As per AS/NZS 3000:2018 Electrical Installation Wiring Rules).
A standard installation does not involve:
- Any electrical remedial works to meet current wiring regulations
- Any groundworks or other civil works
- Any underfloor work (other than easy under house access)
- Any hidden or structural location not in the ordinary course of installation
- Work over multi storeys or apartments
- Switchboard upgrades or three phase power upgrades
- Obtaining permits
- Liaising with Body Corporates or Owners Corporations